Kongsun Leu
Software Engineer
Phnom Penh 🇰🇭
(855) 70256959
Mobile app
Hey!! 🖐️
I'm Kongsun
a Software Engineer
As a dedicated leader in technology, I guide teams toward innovative solutions and project success. With a strong foundation as a software engineer, I design, develop, and maintain software systems, applying engineering principles to create efficient and reliable applications.
Senior Core System Developer - PiPay
Nov 2022 - Present
- Develop APIs in Java Spring Boot for various integration projects, focusing on payment and card issuing.
- Collaborate with clients and API providers to analyze and finalize project flows and features.
- Enhance Java and Spring Boot skills, gaining experience with microservices and design patterns.
- Refactor code and optimize database structures for improved system performance.
- Document APIs clearly for future reference post-completion.
Cloud computing, at AUPP
Understanding IBM products, cloud computing, Serverless, Deployment, Docker, Grafana, Prometheus, Kubernetes
Bachelor of Computer Science - RUPP
Studied Data structures and algorithms, C/C++, Object Oriented Programming, Database Systems, Computer Networks, Java Programming, Web Development, Project Management and Software Engineering
Software Eningeering Course - KSHRD
A scholarship provided by KOICA and WEBCASH for students. I have learned Java and Spring Boot Framework, and Android App Development.
I have lead a team of 5, and earned the best team award, Backend Spring boot project.
After Spring boot project, my team and I have secured 2nd place for Android Project.
The KSHRD and AUPP have awarded me with a scholarship and made me a software engineer.

Kevin is cooking